TIPS FOR LONG & HEALTHY HAIR // My Haircare Routine

I've been getting a TON of requests from you guys to make a hair video so it's finally here! The first of my hair tutorial series.

TIP #1

Ok, pretty basic but always start brushing your hair from the bottom and move to the roots so you don't cause any damage, also if you don't have straight hair it's best to brush it only before you wash it. Brushing wavy or curly hair will make it look frizzy even if your hair is healthy.

TIP #2

To get soft, healthy hair before I shower I apply my Lani Tropical Hair Treatment. It's vegan, made with 100% natural oils and it smells AMAZING, like real coconuts, I'm addicted to this thing!
So I apply that  on my hair, tie it in a bun and leave it in for about 30min to 1 hour so it can work it's magic!

TIP #3

Right now I've been trying the Mea Natura hair products in the shower. They are a shampoo, conditioner and hair mask from organic olive oil and mostly natural ingredients, I really like them so far and I'm happy to support a Greek beauty brand and from what I've checked they also don't test on animals.

TIP #4

Afterwards, I usually let my hair air dry and I apply a light oil to my ends. I use an argan oil serum from Faipa that is also cruelty free. I like this serum because it doesn't leave my hair looking oily afterwards but it protects my super bleached ends from looking like a mess.

TIP #5

In order to protect my hair from further damage, getting tangled and looking messy I use a protective hairstyle. At home I always have my hair in a braid and especially when I go to sleep. I'll admit it's not super attractive but it works. If you don't like braids you can try buns or anything that will prevent your hair from flying all over the place.

TIP #6

The biggest thing I do to maintain long hair is I don't go to the hairdressers, instead I cut my own hair. From my personal experience, I always ended up with much shorter hair than I wanted and also a lot of hairdressers use hair cutting techniques that damage the hair and cause split ends. Also because I have unusually thick hair most hairdressers don't know what hairstyle works for me so I just do it on my own with youtube tutorials. If you've found a hairstylist that works for you, fantastic! Don't stop going because you saw a girl in a youtube video that cuts her own hair. 
I use hair thinning scissors and I only cut my hair 2-3 times a year and only to get rid of really damaged ends or renew my hairstyle.

TIP #7

Dieting, calorie restricting and weight loss can lead to hair loss and unhealthy hair in general and don't even get me started on how bad that is for your health. But if you want healthy hair AND a beautiful bod I'd recommend a whole foods vegan diet. For me eliminating all animal products from my diet was the only way I could get fit and eat lots of food at the same time and not have to calorie restric. It's also good for your health, the planet and of course the animals. you can watch this video for more benefits of going vegan here and this video if you want to give it a shot and go vegan yourself.

Kristen Leo


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